I’m so excited for the New Year and even more excited for my goals. I don’t like the word “resolution” because to me it implies you need to fix lots of shit. So I don’t do resolutions I do goals! Last year I wrote down some of mine and I def accomplished a lot of them this past year.  I worked with some amazing brands, I moved to Hawaii, I travelled the world, and I launched my own presets. 2018 has been great but I have so much in store for 2019. I’m going to list my top 5 goals of 2019 and look forward to seeing what I can check off by 2020. I encourage you all to write your goals as well and feel free to tag me on Instagram if you wanna share them. Okay, so here we go!

2 0 1 9 GOALS:

  1. Using my time more efficiently- I’ve definitely become more busy and had more business this last gear and I love it! But I need to get better at being better at time management. I’d like to wake up earlier and get the day going that way I can accomplish a little bit more and also rest a little bit more as well.

  2. Be a signed model for Aerie- This is a big one for me. I know I’m a dreamer but I truly believe if you write it down and believe in yourself, it’ll happen. I love their brand and mission. And it’s been a giant dream to do a campaign with them.

  3. Create my own clothing line- I’ve had a lot of people that have asked for this and it’s definitely something I’m super passionate about. I’d love to create a small line that’s inclusive to all sizes and fits the body well. I want to create fun stuff that people feel happy wearing.

  4. Help others grow their Instagrams- I’m not sure that I want to sell a course for Instagram but I definitely have some ideas that I want to launch to help so many of you wonderful people grow your social channels. Stay tuned for more on this! 

  5. Visit 2 new continents- I want to start knocking off some continents on my list. I’m thinking Australia and Africa. These are two huge trips for me and I’m going to work super hard to achieve this goal because I know both trips will be impactful to my life. 

I hope you all are bringing in the New Year with a smile. And if for some reason your new year isn’t starting off perfectly just keep your head up and your mind focused. What you put out into the world comes back full circle. Manifest your goals and dreams and they will happen. It might not be tomorrow but they will come. 


Ashlee Rose
