New Year, Same Me

NEW YEAR                    




This post is all about setting intentions for 2 0 1 8 ! I don't love making resolutions but I do love making a list of goals I want to achieve by the end of this new year and that way I can look back and see how far I've come. Between travel, fashion, and collaborations, I am so exited for this year and what it brings. I feel like people set themselves up for failure on January 1st of every year by saying I need to be better at (blank) and when they don't achieve it they beat themselves up. I say don't think of the New Year as ohhh I suck at this so I need to get better think of it as I am doing good but I am going to do great and strive for that peak. Lets all lift one another up and celebrate what we are doing right already and help carry one another to that next level or peak. Heres to new friends, new business opportunities, new life lessons, and so much more.


1. Working with more brands- I would love to reach out and partner with more brands this year and share with you all the cool new things in fashion, travel, and life. Some brands I would love to work with is Missguided, Gucci (but lets be honest), shoot a campaign for Good American, collab with Urban Outfitters, and team up with H&M. I know I'm shooting for the stars but go big or go home.

2. Traveling to Africa- At the end of 2018 I plan on taking a trip with my husband to Africa. We have been wanting to go for a while and we definitely want to visit Giraffe Manor and explore all we can. Such a huge bucket list item for us. Plus photos with giraffes...DUH!

3. Letting go of toxic people- It is sometimes hard for me to say BYE FELICIA but sometimes you just have to. I feel like there is some pretty passive aggressive or negative vibing people still floating around and I need to let go to get to where I want to go.

4. Keep up the constant fitness- I already strive to workout 5+ days a week but this is a reminder to keep kicking ass and don't let myself down. I want to stick to it because fitness keeps my mental health healthy!

5. Volunteer more- I have been looking into volunteer programs and would love to donate more of my time to helping out the people who need it and deserve it. I think volunteering is good for the soul and keeps you grounded. So heres to spreading more love.

6. Grow my youtube- I don't really think of myself as a "youtuber" but I do love creating lookbooks and soon will be doing more travel videos. I love the way a video comes together with music and I get super excited to create them with my videographer (aka my husband). So stay tuned and SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! 

7. Meet more like-minded people- I love meeting fellow bloggers and creators. I have met so many lovely people along my journey. I am so ready to meet even more, collaborate even more, and build one another up. 

8. Celebrate the daily victories- Sometimes (actually 90% of the time) I am REALLY hard on myself and my business partner. We both strive for such greatness and are such perfectionist in our own way that we can get burnt out quickly. Heres to celebrating the daily steps we take that are leading us to our ultimate goal. Heres to thanking our bodies and minds for allowing us to be creative and feel alive. Heres to loving ourselves and being patient even when time can feel like its standing still and things aren't progressing as fast as we want them to.



Ashlee Rose